Is Knee Replacement Painful?

It’s one of the most commonly asked questions at Alex Dodds’ Gloucestershire knee clinic – so what’s the answer?

Man Recovering After Knee Replacement Operation*photo courtesy of Shutterstock

Is a knee replacement painful? In a word, yes, at least initially.

The period immediately post-operation isn’t especially painful because the anaesthetic remains in your system for a little while. Within a day, however, as that wears off, you can expect your knee to be painful and remain that way for some time.

Although sore, we manage the pain in a way that enables virtually every patient to go home within a couple of days – and occasionally on the day of their operation.

>   Discover more about knee replacements

When pain after knee replacement subsides
Managing post-knee replacement pain will typically require morphine-level painkillers for around two weeks, together with ice packs to help reduce inflammation. Despite soreness, it remains important to follow the instructions of your physiotherapist during this period, so you give your knee the best chance of making a full recovery.

Between two and six weeks most patients find their pain can be managed by regular, over-the-counter medication. At six weeks (the point at which I’ll have a check-up with patients) they’re usually able to walk into the consultation room without any significant pain and without the need for walking aids.

Between six weeks and six months, you can expect your knee to continue improving, although if you overexert your knee you can expect it to let you know. Again, over-the-counter medication and an ice pack should be enough to ease any aches.

These things are relative though. The pain of a knee replacement is a relatively short-term inconvenience for long-term gain. Contrast that with the constant pain of osteoarthritis, and I’m not sure I’ve ever spoken to a patient who wouldn’t be happy to trade the latter for the former.

If you would like to explore options for knee replacement in the Cotswolds, Cheltenham and Gloucester, please book an appointment or call 01242 246549

>   Discover more about knee replacements
>   Discover more about osteoarthritis of the knee